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30/11/2023 05:21 pm

246ct OLD 12 eyes dzi bead & Aetoxylon Sympetalum & Ebony Beads necklace

Dimensions (mm)
300.000 x 300.000 x 300.000mm
Poids (g)

Aetoxylon sympetalum is a species of tree belonging to the family Rutaceae. This tree species is known for its aromatic wood, which is highly valued in certain cultures and regions.

The Aetoxylon sympetalum tree is native to Southeast Asia, particularly found in countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand. It is prized for its fragrant wood, which is sometimes used in traditional medicine, woodworking, and in the production of aromatic oils and incense.

The wood of Aetoxylon sympetalum is often referred to as "Eaglewood" or "Agarwood." Eaglewood is famous for its unique and pleasant fragrance, which develops as a result of a particular type of fungal infection. When the tree is infected by certain fungi, it triggers a defensive response in the tree, leading to the formation of resinous substances in the wood, which is what contributes to its distinctive scent.

Due to its valuable properties and scarcity, the harvesting and trade of Eaglewood are regulated to prevent overexploitation and protect the species from illegal logging and trade. The aromatic wood is highly sought after in the perfume industry and traditional medicine practices, contributing to its high commercial value.

The 12-eyed Dzi bead is a highly revered and sought-after bead in Tibetan culture. Dzi beads, in general, are believed to possess mystical and protective properties, and the number of "eyes" or dots on a Dzi bead often holds significance.

The 12-eyed Dzi bead is considered particularly powerful and auspicious. Each eye or dot on the bead represents a different symbolic meaning, and the combination of these meanings is believed to provide various benefits to the wearer:

  1. Protection: The 12-eyed Dzi is believed to offer protection from negative energies, evil spirits, and harm. Each eye is thought to act as a guardian, safeguarding the wearer.

  2. Harmony and Balance: It is associated with promoting harmony, balance, and positive energy in life, fostering a sense of well-being and tranquility.

  3. Fortune and Prosperity: This Dzi bead is often linked to attracting good fortune, wealth, and success in various endeavors.

  4. Spiritual Enlightenment: The 12-eyed Dzi is also believed to aid in spiritual growth, meditation, and achieving higher levels of consciousness.

Genuine ancient Dzi beads, especially those with specific patterns like the 12-eyed Dzi, are highly valued and often considered sacred. They are seen not just as decorative items but as powerful talismans with spiritual significance. Due to their rarity and significance, they are sometimes passed down through generations as family heirlooms or used in religious and spiritual practices.

Black ebony is a dense, dark-colored hardwood derived from several species of trees in the genus Diospyros, primarily native to tropical regions, especially Africa and Southeast Asia. The most sought-after and well-known type is African ebony (Diospyros crassiflora), prized for its deep black color, hardness, and fine texture.

Ebony wood has been historically valued for its aesthetic qualities and its suitability for carving, woodworking, and musical instruments due to its durability and ability to hold intricate details. It's often used in high-quality furniture, sculptures, decorative items, and musical instrument components like fingerboards, piano keys, and woodwind instrument parts.

The wood's rich, dark color and smooth finish make it highly desirable for ornamental and decorative purposes. However, the harvesting of ebony has faced challenges due to overexploitation and illegal logging, leading to conservation concerns and regulations on its trade and usage.

Due to its rarity and high demand, genuine black ebony can be quite expensive. Alternative materials or dyed woods are sometimes used to mimic its appearance, but the genuine ebony wood remains highly valued for its unique characteristics and natural beauty.

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  • karthik1

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • helmrey

    .Very nice looking cross. Very delicate looking

  • raregemsfromash

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  • raregemsfromash

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  • raregemsfromash

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  • raregemsfromash

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Type d'inscription : Standard
Identifiant du produit : 188204
Enchère de départ : $1
Départs : 25th November 2023 05:20 pm PST
Prend fin : 30th November 2023 05:21 pm PST
* Tous les prix sont en :devise