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04/03/2024 03:12 pm

8ct 8 pc Gemstone Ebony black Rare Wood Polished BEads Lot

Dimenzije (mm)
8.000 x 8.000 x 8.000mm
Težina (g)

8 pc Gemstone Ebony black Rare Wood Polished BEads Lot

Black ebony refers to a dense and dark-colored wood derived from trees of the genus Diospyros, primarily native to tropical regions of Africa and Asia. Ebony wood is highly valued for its rich, dark color, fine texture, and durability. It has been used for centuries in various applications, including furniture making, musical instruments, ornamental carvings, and turned objects.

Here are some key characteristics and uses of black ebony wood:

  1. Color and Texture: Ebony wood is renowned for its deep, lustrous black color, which often has attractive dark brown or gray streaks. The wood has a smooth, fine texture and a natural sheen when polished.

  2. Density and Hardness: Ebony is one of the densest and hardest woods available, making it exceptionally durable and resistant to wear and decay. Its density contributes to its reputation for producing clear, resonant tones in musical instruments.

  3. Musical Instruments: Ebony wood is prized in the construction of high-quality musical instruments, particularly for fingerboards, bridges, and other parts of stringed instruments like guitars, violins, and pianos. It is also used in wind instruments for its resonance and stability.

  4. Fine Woodworking: Ebony has been historically used in fine woodworking for creating intricate carvings, inlays, and decorative accents. Its rich color and smooth texture make it an ideal choice for luxury furniture, cabinetry, and decorative items.

  5. Ornamental and Decorative: Ebony's luxurious appearance and durability make it popular for crafting ornamental items such as sculptures, figurines, jewelry, and decorative boxes.

  6. Symbolism and Cultural Significance: In various cultures, ebony wood has held symbolic importance, often representing strength, sophistication, and luxury. It has been used in ceremonial objects, religious artifacts, and traditional crafts.

Due to its scarcity and high demand, ebony wood can be expensive, and sustainable sourcing practices are essential to ensure the conservation of ebony-producing trees and ecosystems. However, its unique qualities and aesthetic appeal continue to make it a prized material in craftsmanship and design.

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  • raregemsfromash

    Paid and shipped - no feedback left after 100 days

  • helmrey

    .Very nice looking cross. Very delicate looking

  • raregemsfromash

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  • raregemsfromash

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  • raregemsfromash

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  • raregemsfromash

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Vrsta unosa : Standard
Identifikacijski broj proizvoda : 196685
Početna ponuda : $1
Počinje : 1st March 2024 03:12 pm PST
Završava : 4th March 2024 03:12 pm PST
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